Sutton Council is seeking the views of residents and interested parties on the “Carshalton Village Conservation Area – Draft Character Appraisal and Management Plan”.
Carshalton Village is a very special area of the constituency, so it is so important that residents have their say and ensure the Council protects it.
Below are some details about the plan and what you need to do.
What is a Character Appraisal and Management Plan?
According to the Council, the Character Appraisal evaluates what is special about Carshalton Village, highlighting those areas of exceptional character and those areas in need of improvement. The Management Plan provides guidelines on how the good elements should be protected and the not-so-good elements improved.
The guidelines include specific guidelines, such as on school buildings, Grove Park and the River Wandle, and general guidelines, such as on development, public houses, shopfronts and open space.
What should I do?
To comment on the document:
- Go to the document at,
- Read the Character Appraisal to check the Council have got their history and facts correct,
- Consider what you like and don’t like about Carshalton Village,
- Read the Management Plan to check the Council are protecting what you like, and they are trying to improve what you do not like,
- Send your views to [email protected] or
Can I see a hard copy?
Yes. The documents will be in all the libraries and will be available at Sutton Civic Centre and the Council's Denmark Road offices in Carshalton.
There will be street stalls in Carshalton High Street on
- Friday, 7 June, 11am-2pm,
- Saturday, 15 June, 11am-2pm,
- Saturday, 6 July, 11am-2pm.
There will be a public event at All Saints Church, Carshalton on Thursday, 4 July with a drop-in session from 6pm and a meeting from 7.30.
When does the consultation close?
The consultation closes on Friday, 19 July.