This afternoon I visited Highview Primary School to discuss COP26 and UK Parliament Week with pupils.
I started off my afternoon by meeting Highview's School Council to discuss the similarities between being on the School Council and representing your hometown as the MP. We also spoke about the leadership required to represent their school on the Council and the importance of being good role models for the younger years. The Council had some great questions to ask me and I thoroughly enjoyed hearing all about their exciting plans within the school.
Next, I visited Highview's Eco Squad to discuss all things COP26. The children were incredibly knowledgeable about who was attending COP26, what we needed to do as a country to to reverse the affects of climate change, and the importance of reaching net zero. The Eco Squad had also made a Forest of Promises to share their promises and requests for the planet. These included pledges such as walking to school, recycling at home, reducing the use of single-use plastics, and educating the younger years about what they can do to help our local environment.
Thank you again to the wonderful teachers and students of Highview Primary School for their warm welcome and I look forward to returning again in the future!