It was a pleasure to meet so many residents at the public meeting about Sheen Way last night. I'm glad the meeting was so well attended by local people.
The Lib Dem-run Council are planning to build a new SEN school on Sheen Way Playing Fields, relocating pupils from Carew Manor School. No-one can deny that those children and staff deserve a new facility, but shoe-horning them into Sheen Way and taking away the only bit of green space in that area is not the right way to do it. Local residents and the children deserve much better.
So, I am working cross-party with the Independent Councillors and the High View Residents Association (HVRA) to fight for a better deal for residents and our children.
At the meeting we promised to provide more details of how to object to the plans.
What do you need to do?
The most important thing is that you register your objection and encourage others to do the same.
You can comment in one of two ways:
- Online – Log onto the Council's Planning Portal here using reference DM2019/00959;
- In writing – Write to Development Management, Sutton Council, 24 Denmark Road, Carshalton, SM5 2JG, quoting reference DM2019/00959.
You have until Friday 20th September to have your say on the application.
Planning applications must be assessed against the local development framework (LDF), The London Plan and any other relevant development plans and policies, unless other considerations indicate otherwise.
Other things, so called material considerations, that the Council CAN consider may include and you should include in your objection are:
- undue loss of privacy or overlooking;
- loss of sunlight/daylight;
- effect on trees;
- access or traffic problems;
- need for car parking;
- unacceptable or incompatible use;
- noise;
- fumes;
- excessive height or bulk of buildings;
- inappropriate design/layout;
- inadequate landscaping/means of enclosure.
Once you have objected online or in writing, and encouraged others to do the same, there are other things you can do to add pressure, such as write to all the members of the Council’s Planning Committee.
What happens next?
Once you, your family and neighbours have had your say, and the deadline for submitting comments has passed, we will be waiting for a date that the application will be heard in front of the Council’s
Planning Committee.
We need as many people as possible to turn up to that meeting to help add pressure, so please look out for details of that meeting.
If you need help or have any questions, please get in touch!