I met this afternoon with SLAIN (the South London Animal Investigation Network) and spoke with Boudicca and Rob to discuss the horrific spate of cat killings across South London and beyond.
As I mentioned in the Commons during the second reading of the Animal Welfare (Sentencing) Bill recently, a number of constituents who have lost their cats in these tragic circumstances have contacted me with their clear view that these killings were not the work of foxes, but rather the disgraceful act of one or more human perpetrators.
I have had the unhappy duty as their MP to see pictures of some of these cats after the fact, and - as someone familiar with fox attacks - I can agree that the mutilations are not consistent with what would normally be expected from foxes.
I will be working with SLAIN and other groups, including other South London MPs, to consider how best to push for a formal reopening of the investigation into these cat killings, and to press for those responsible to be brought to justice.
If anyone does have concerns about cat killings in their area, please do contact me via [email protected].