Last week, I got to visit Muschamp Primary School to meet their Junior Adventures Group. The Group are the leading national provider of school-aged childcare (also known as wraparound care).
Whilst meeting the pupils and teachers, I got to hear more about the role that wraparound care plays in children's development, enriching their education and social needs; as well as providing an opportunity for parents to continue working.
It was also great hearing about how Junior Adventures Group offers funded places to vulnerable or disadvantaged local children. as well as providing free mental health training for school staff.
Lot's has been done in terms of Government support for wraparound school provision, including an announcement of £289 million. However, there are are still some caveats to this as well as various prerequisites that wraparound providers such as Junior Adventures Group do not meet these criteria.
Therefore, there is still work to be done regarding improving wraparound education provision, and I will continue to work with providers as well as colleagues in Government to achieve this as part of my work to ensure all local children have a good, decent education.