Since being elected as your MP for Carshalton and Wallington, I have been working closely with the fantastic charities and organisations – locally and nationally – that are focused on supporting people living with cancer, and those who care for them.
This includes Breast Cancer Now, Macmillan Cancer Support, Cancer Research UK, the Anthony Nolan Trust, DKMS, Blood Cancer UK, Leukaemia Care, CLIC Sargent, Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust, and The Eve Appeal, as well as championing the work locally of the fantastic Royal Marsden, Momentum Charity, and the campaigning efforts of my constituent Dafina Malovska – the self-described “women’s health warrior” who is pressing for yearly women’s health check-up in the UK. I had the pleasure of visiting the Royal Marsden recently, and speaking with Chief Executive Dame Cally Palmer about their experiences during lockdown, and also seeing for myself the hugely impressive children and teenage wards. I am a firm supporter of the ‘It Must Be Marsden’ campaign, ensuring that the services remain at the Royal Marsden in Sutton for the future.
Breast Cancer Now contacted me recently to ask for my support in approaching the Chancellor for additional funding, through the upcoming Comprehensive Spending Review, for breast cancer services. Their three key asks are (1) that secondary breast cancer patients are acknowledged; (2) that cancer workforce issues are addressed, and (3) that funding for research is sustained.
I know that the Government takes tackling breast cancer – and all cancers – very seriously, and is committed to improving life outcomes for those who unfortunately will be diagnosed at some point in their lives. I was pleased therefore to offer my support, on behalf of my constituents, to Breast Cancer Now for this campaign, and have written accordingly to the Chancellor. You can find a copy of my letter below, as well as more detailed information on what Breast Cancer Now is asking for.
As ever, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me if I can offer any further support on this or any other issue.